In 2005, I decided to put my singing career on hold. I had released two independent CD's - A Very Good Night, 2001, & Take A Closer Look, early 2005 - to moderate success. I toured 5 star hotels far and wide singing my jazzy little heart out. You can see for music, pics, and reviews. It was a great ride, but I was ready to stay home and start a family. We started trying to have a baby, but quickly realized fate had other plans for us. Our "having" a baby turned into to "adopting" a baby. A disappointing heartache...that turned into a wonderful, glorious, emotional roller coaster... that turned into the best thing that has ever happened to us. BY FAR. The adoption journey has been a long one and we are currently still waiting to travel for our little angel from Thailand, but we feel incredibly lucky to know this beautiful little girl is going to be our daughter. My singing took me to Thailand many times and the love of the people and culture made choosing adoption from there an easy choice. Going through the process has been a big learning experience, and our hearts have been opened to a new capacity. Loving more than we ever thought we could.
I wrote Butterfly Moon for our little Ruby Kate, but it didn't actually spawn the album. The whole thing started with a simple 5 song recording I did last summer (2008). I wanted my daughter to know her Mommy's voice. I longed to sing to her. Thought it might be of some comfort to her and for all the babies who were waiting for families. It also helped me feel productive during the very LONG and hard wait, when all we could do was sit around and hope for an update and that elusive referral saying we had a child and she would soon be ours.
I recorded the first few songs - Baby Mine, Twinkle Twinkle, Over The Rainbow, Hush A Bye Baby, & Brahms Lullaby - then shipped them off to Thailand along with a CD player for the orphanage. Months later - and still waiting - my husband suggested I do a whole album. The only way I wanted to do this is if it could benefit children and make a difference. I was inspired. I wrote Butterfly Moon with a wonderful and talented cat named George Mesterhazy. I had most of the tune down, but George lent his incredible talent and writing abilities to polish it up a bit. I couldn't have been happier with it and all the music he brought to life on the project. Not only an incredible musician, he is one hell of a great guy and THAT speaks volumes to me. He came into the first project (a few simple songs from mother to child) with all the enthusiasm of a major label project! And George has played for many a major label. We started out with a real "organic" feel with all live instruments then later added some lush instrumentation on the songs that lent themselves to it, like Butterfly Moon and Baby Mine. With a keen ear and loads of experience, my uncle, Bob Kimmel deftly engineered and guided us every step of the way. It was truly a great collaborative effort. I am pleased with the outcome and happy to share it with you and your little ones. I am also excited to share the rewards with orphans and children worldwide that really need it. Currently looking to find a charity to receive half the proceeds and team up with. Hopefully more on that soon...
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