Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Butterfly Moon: The Song

It's hard to put on paper or into song the emotions that come with adopting a child. When I wrote Butterfly Moon I was thinking "fairy tale". To me, the song is about adoption and all the magic that happens behind the scenes to form a family this way.  Sort of in the same vein as a "cow jumping over the moon" being fantasy, I felt "hey, why couldn't there be butterflies and flowers and birds at night?" In a dream, all is possible! So the song was inspired by a mom's dream....her sleeping baby all the way over there on the other side of the globe, what she might dream about, and the thought that she will someday soon be home in her arms.


Anonymous said...

I love your songs! Where can I get a CD when they come out? I'm an American foster parent in Thailand. . .I'd love to play this CD for my little 11 month old who is waiting for his family.

Maci Miller said...

Thank you! CD will be out in the next month or two, on sale at and Stay tuned!